Herbes de Provence

Herbes de Provence
"Herbesdeprovence" by Flickr user: French Tart-FT ( http://www.flickr.com/photos/frenchtart/ ). Licensed under CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons - https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Herbesdeprovence.jpg#/media/File:Herbesdeprovence.jpg

Monday, October 20, 2014

Gluten-Free and Sensual: A Delicate Balance

Gluten-Free and Good Taste Need Not Be Mutually Exclusive

Recently, I found out that, like about 18 million people, I have gluten intolerance: I have an allergy or sensitivity, depending on whom you ask,  to wheat, barley, and rye. With a wide range of symptoms such as weight gain, lactose intolerance, alternating bouts of diarrhea and constipation, headaches, and fatigue, this increasingly common, or increasingly diagnosed, condition needs to be considered. Those who are not directly affected by gluten intolerance are increasingly more likely to know of someone, a friend or loved one, who is affected by this condition.

What does all of this mean for Sensual Thymes? Having to go gluten-free does not mean having to give up good taste: it just means having to do a little more research to find suitable alternatives for recipes that contain gluten, such as finding a ready-made mix, or a make-it-yourself recipe, of flour substitute. It also means embracing foods that are naturally gluten-free and healthy, such as the vegetables, fruits, and herbs that you either grow in the garden or purchase. These natural gifts should take center stage.

One can honor the natural marriage of gardening and cooking, embracing an Epicurean ideal, without sacrificing quality. I believe this in every fiber of my being.

 I am still learning all of the gluten-free tricks--it's a bit of a learning curve, but I will pass along whatever I glean.

For my part, in a concerted effort to be as inclusive as possible, I will offer gluten-free and sugar-free (for my diabetic friends and readers) options to any recipes I post. I want everyone to be able to join the party. In that spirit, bon appetit: always.

By Jina Lee [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

On another note: The Creative Goddess ecourse offered by the Amazing Biz and Life Academy can make a impact in your overall creativity. While the course does not focus specifically on the culinary arts, what you learn from the ecourse can be transferred to cooking. This course has made a difference in my own life, and I recommend it heartily. Disclaimer: I am an affiliate for the Amazing Biz and Life Academy; I maintain an affiliate relationship only with companies that I fervently support and believe in.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Sage: Herb of the Month

Sage: A Wise Herb

Each month, I pick an herb somewhat arbitrarily but usually one that suggests the month's season. Sage, or salvia officinalis, is the herb of honor for October 2014.

Sage is a shrubby herb that traditionally has grey-green, slightly fuzzy leaves, but some cultivated varieties include purple sage and red sage. It has a slightly peppery scent and flavor. Sage grows in the U.S. Hardiness zones of 5-9, so this is one flexible herb.

Sage is one of the easy-to-grow herbs: you can start this herb from seed or from established plants. Give sage a nice sunny spot in the garden or herb box, water it occasionally, and this perennial will reward you with savory leaves for culinary or medicinal purposes.

By aomorikuma (Sony Cyber-shot DSC-P2) [GFDL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) or CC-BY-SA-3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/)], via Wikimedia Commons

In the kitchen, sage can be used in stuffing, to season poultry, or added to many sausage recipes. Sage can also be made into a tea in order to treat, naturally, a laundry list of ailments, including sore throat, gastrointestinal upset, and fever. Sage, as a tea, or even sniffing the leaves, is also reputed to help improve memory.

Sage can also be burned to cleanse the area of negative energy. You will often find bundled sage sticks sold for this purpose.

And now for some "sage" advice: I recently experienced the Radiant Goddess E-Course, offered by Leonie Dawson's Amazing Life + Biz Academy, and it has been a life-changer. This e-course has been an empowering tool physically, mentally, and emotionally, and I highly recommend it. Disclosure: The Amazing Biz + Life Academy links are affiliate links. I only use affiliate links for products and services that I genuinely and wholeheartedly endorse.