Herbes de Provence

Herbes de Provence
"Herbesdeprovence" by Flickr user: French Tart-FT ( http://www.flickr.com/photos/frenchtart/ ). Licensed under CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons - https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Herbesdeprovence.jpg#/media/File:Herbesdeprovence.jpg

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Pleasures of Fall Gardening

Fall Gardening: Feeling the Love

Ahhh: fall is here. The air is cooler, the weather crisper. In many areas, fall is an ideal time for a second-chance garden, especially if the summer garden has sputtered out. The energy-sapping heat is gone. Now is the time for an invigorating gardening season.

Now is the time to create a salad garden: many types of lettuces and cabbages. What is more perfect than cutting salad greens mere minutes before washing them and putting them in the salad bowl? Root vegetables are also a great choice this season: carrots, beets, radishes, even parsnips. Onions and leeks, as well as broccoli, are also fine choices for the fall garden.

Fall gardening also is a good excuse to get outdoors for some fresh air and exercise. Fresh vegetables, fresh air, and invigorating exercise: what more could you want? Dream big!

By Srl (Own work) [GFDL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html) or CC BY-SA 3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0)], via Wikimedia Commons  Fall Gardening of my Dreams

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Your intuition will confirm that this is a fantastic deal! For 30 days only we’re offering a super affordable extended payment plan for the Shining Biz + Life Academy!! From now until September 30, join the Academy with 12 Payments of $49.95
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Check out the Autumn Abundance Sale going on at Sol Luna Enterprises: enjoy 25% off on orders of $25 and over. The coupon code is FALLSAVINGS. This sale lasts through October 31, 2015, so don’t miss out!

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Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Chives: Herb of the Month

Chives: Mild and Versatile

Chives, or Allium schoenoprasum, are September's herb of the month. Chives are a perennial herb that is completely edible--even the blossoms.

Chives, as with many of the herbs I discuss and use myself, are easy to grow; however, they do need for the weather to cool off a bit (where the highs are not in the 90s). Chives can be grown from seed, but you may find it worthwhile to transplant already established chive plants instead: I know I do.

This herb revels in full sunlight. Water sparingly in order to concentrate the flavors. Divide the clumps every two to three years or so.

In the kitchen, chives are delightfully versatile. Try fresh chives snipped over a hearty potato soup, mixed with cream cheese to top a bagel, added to many vegetables--not just potatoes, and many more uses. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination. Bon appetit!

By Jerzy Opioła (Own work) [GFDL (http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/fdl.html), CC-BY-SA-3.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/) or CC BY-SA 2.5-2.0-1.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.5-2.0-1.0)], via Wikimedia Commons

The Big Shining September Sale!

For 30 days only we’re offering a super affordable extended payment plan for the Shining Biz + Life Academy!! From now until September 30, join the Academy with 12 Payments of $49.95.

About the Academy:

The Shining Biz & Life Academy is a divinely-guided, wildly-affordable and deeply-powerful success library that’s just a fraction of the cost you see elsewhere.
It is chock-full of programs & resources to help you shine in every area of your biz + life, it’s one of the most generously-priced, powerfully inspired transformational training systems you’ll find, ANYWHERE in the world. Upon joining, you will receive the following:
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This special deal is only for a limited time, so don’t delay!

Check out the Autumn Abundance Sale going on at Sol Luna Enterprises: enjoy 25% off on orders of $25 and over. The coupon code is FALLSAVINGS. This sale lasts through October 31, 2015, so don’t miss out!

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Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Fall Gardening: A Second Chance Harvest

Countdown to Fall Gardening

In many areas, it's beginning to cool down as we leave summer behind. It's time to plan and plant a fall garden, or, if you will, a second-chance garden. If the summer's heat wave dashed your gardening hopes earlier this year, all is not lost: it is possible to start again for an even more bountiful harvest.

In the more northern regions, this will mean using cold frames and possibly floating row covers to coax along the plants, depending on what has been sowed or transplanted. For these northern regions, it's hard to go wrong with peas (English, snap, and snow), your root vegetables (carrots, radishes, parsnips), cabbages and other cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, kohlrabi), and lettuces.

In the more southern regions, what's listed above can be planted or transplanted in, say, November. But now's also an ideal time to plant tomatoes, peppers, beans, and summer squash, as well as Swiss chard.

Even with these general guidelines, don't forget to add your favorites; after all, this is your garden and should represent your tastes. Happy gardening!

By WayneRay (Own work) [CC BY-SA 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0)], via Wikimedia Commons  A rather ambitious cold frame

The Big Shining September Sale!

For 30 days only we're offering a super affordable extended payment plan for the Shining Biz +Life Academy!! From now until September 30, join the Academy with 12 Payments of $49.95 

About the Academy:

The Shining Biz & Life Academy is a divinely-guided, wildly-affordable and deeply-powerful success library that’s just a fraction of the cost you see elsewhere.

It is chock-full of programs & resources to help you shine in every area of your biz + life, it’s one of the most generously-priced, powerfully inspired transformational training systems you’ll find, ANYWHERE in the world. Upon joining, you will receive the following:
·       *  Powerful business + marketing training to help you start + grow your dream biz rapidly + happily

·        * E-courses to supercharge your creativity, wrangle your fears + become a marketing maven
·        Illustrated workbooks to create clarity + intention across your life & biz

·        * Audio meditations to soothe your soul

·        * Tips to get your house de-cluttered + your inner world in order

·        * Cleanses to bring your body into health + radiance

·        * Videos trainings, audio inspirations and workbooks to unlock your abundance, free your creativity and allow your heart and soul to shine.

This offer is for a limited time, so don't wait: take advantage of it today!

Check out the Autumn Abundance Sale going on at Sol Luna Enterprises: enjoy 25% off on orders of $25 and over. The coupon code is FALLSAVINGS. This sale lasts through October 31, 2015, so don’t miss out!

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Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Planting a Medicinal Garden

Grow Your Own Medicine Cabinet

As I write this, I am getting over the throes of a nasty head cold. What better time than now to plan a simple medicinal garden?

The following plants would be great additions for an all-purpose medicinal garden. All are fairly easy to grow in either a traditional garden or in a container garden:

Aloe vera: Buy established plants and transplant. Good for treating minor burns and scrapes: just break a leaf and apply the serum to the affected area. 

Calendula: Buy established plants and transplant, or sow from seed. Made into an infusion, calendula is a good all-purpose antiseptic wash; you can also make a balm.

Cayenne: Buy established plants and transplant, or sow from seed. Good ingested as a cold remedy and can also be made into a cream to relieve muscle aches. Caution: when handling any hot peppers, wear gloves. Trust me on this one.

Chamomile: Sow from seed. Made into a tea, chamomile is good for treating stomach upset and for inducing sleep. 

Ginger root: Buy the root and cut it up; plant each piece. Ginger root is the number one treatment for nausea and is good for stomach upset. 

Echinacea: Buy established plants and transplant,  or directly sow the seed. Use the root as a decoction at the first sign of a cold. 

Feverfew: Buy established plants and transplant. This herb is great for fevers as well as headaches, even relieving migraines for some people. 

Lavender: Buy established plants and transplant. This herb prefers a slightly alkaline soil, so it's best to plant it in its own container or planter box. Made into an oil or infusion, lavender can be used to heal cuts, stings, and burns, as well as insomnia and not a few other woes. 

Lemon balm: Buy established plants and transplant, or sow directly from seed. This member of the mint family is great for cold relief as well as digestive complaints. 

Mint, especially peppermint: Buy established plants and transplant, or sow directly from seed. This herb is great for relieving gas and stomach upset, as well as relieving muscle pain when made into a balm. 

Rosemary: Buy established plants and transplant. Made into an infusion, this herb is wonderful for digestive issues and headaches. 

Sage: Buy established plants and transplant. Sore throat relief and alleviation of hot flashes are but two of sage's gifts. 

By User:Mattes (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons Medicinal Container Garden of My Dreams

If you want to consult an herbal handbook, I recommend the following books:

Culpepper's Complete Herbal: A Book of Natural Remedies for Ancient Ills.

Walter Last's The Natural Way to Heal: 65 Ways to Create Superior Health.

The New Age Herbalist: How to Use Herbs for Healing, Nutrition, Body Care, and Relaxation.

500 Formulas for Aromatherapy: Mixing Essential Oils for Everyday Use.

Check out the Autumn Abundance Sale going on at Sol Luna Enterprises: enjoy 25% off on orders of $25 and over. The coupon code is FALLSAVINGS. This sale lasts through October 31, 2015, so don’t miss out!

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