Herbes de Provence

Herbes de Provence
"Herbesdeprovence" by Flickr user: French Tart-FT ( http://www.flickr.com/photos/frenchtart/ ). Licensed under CC BY 2.0 via Wikimedia Commons - https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Herbesdeprovence.jpg#/media/File:Herbesdeprovence.jpg

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Sourdough Starter: Fun Chemistry in the Kitchen

Why Make Sourdough Starter? 

If you enjoy baking on a regular basis and enjoy the tangy lift that sourdough brings to various breads and pancakes, then you will want to keep sourdough starter on hand. Making and using sourdough starter is easy and fun; besides, it's not with many other concoctions that the following exchange is possible:

You: You've gotta get a whiff of this.
Other person: What is it?
You: Just smell it.
Other person: Whoa! That's sour!

Making Sourdough Starter

You need a few basic ingredients, plus a little time, in order to make sourdough starter. Here's the recipe:

2 cups milk
1 2-oz package active dry yeast
2 TBSP plain yogurt
2 cups flour

Blend the milk and yeast; heat this mixture until the milk reaches about 100 degrees Fahrenheit. Let cool a few minutes and then stir in the yogurt. Transfer this mixture to a glass container (I prefer using a large canning jar). Gradually beat in the flour. Cover the glass container with a dish cloth and then let sit in a warm place for the next 2 to 5 days; I like to place the container on a warm heating pad to ensure even temperature.

Check the mixture every day. If it bubbles and has a sour smell, that's great: the starter is fermenting beautifully. If the mixture turns pink, the fermentation process has broken down. You'll need to compost the mixture and start over.

After the mixture has fermented and is nice and bubbly, store the starter in the refrigerator. You'll probably want to use the starter at least once a week in order to keep it active.

Before using the starter, let it come to room temperature. Also, after using the starter, replace with equal amounts of warm milk and flour. So, if you use 1/2 cup of starter, you'll need to blend in 1/2 cup of warm milk and 1/2 cup of flour.

Masa_madre.jpg ‎(777 × 477 pixels, file size: 73 KB, MIME type: image/jpeg) Sourdough Starter                  This work is in the public domain

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Holidays and Events for the Month of August

August Holidays--Some Tongue in Cheek

Who says that August is too hot to do anything? This month is filled with all sorts of notable days and occurrences. Take a look, and fill your calendar.

Events for the month of August

Admit You're Happy Month
Family Fun Month
National Catfish Month
National Peach Month
Water Quality Month
National Picnic Month
National Sandwich Month
Celery, Fennel and Cactus Month
National Panini Month 

Weekly Events for the Month of August

Simplify Your Life Week: August 1-7
World Breastfeeding Week: August 1-7
National Resurrect Romance Week: August 4-10
National Bargain Hunting Week: August 5-11 
Elvis Week: August 10-16
Little League Baseball World Series: August 18-24
Be Kind To Humankind Week: August 25-31
National Safe at Home Week: August 26-30

August Holidays, some more official than others:

1 Lughnasadh, or Lammas (literally “loaf mass”)
1 Spiderman Day
2 National Ice Cream Sandwich Day
2 India Pale Ale Beer Day
3 National Mustard Day 
3 National Watermelon Day
4 Friendship Day 
4 International Forgiveness Day (notice how this holiday coincides with Friendship Day; it’s said that the best way to get rid of an enemy is to make him or her your friend)
4 National Chocolate Chip Day (a pattern is definitely emerging for August 4)
4 Sisters Day
6 National Root Beer Float Day
6 National Night Out
8 Eid-Al Fitr
8 Happiness Happens Day (with or without the zucchini)
9 Book Lover's Day
9 International Day of the World’s Indigenous People
9 Worldwide Art Day
10 Lazy Day
9-11 Kool-Aid Day
13 International Left Hander's Day
14 V-J Day
14 National Creamsicle Day
15 Relaxation Day
16 National Tell a Joke Day
17 National Thriftshop Day
17 International Homeless Animals Day
18 Bad Poetry Day (here’s a link to the Vogon Poem Generator to kick off this holiday in style)
19 World Humanitarian Day (a day after Bad Poetry Day)
19 Cupcake Day
21 Senior Citizen's Day
22 Be an Angel Day
23 Ride the Wind Day
24 Pluto Demoted Day (a somber observance)
24 National Waffle Day (eat waffles and commiserate about Pluto’s demotion)
24-25 International Bat Night
25 Go Topless Day (not in a national park though: you might be arrested)
25 National Whisky Sour Day
26 Women's Equality Day
29 More Herbs, Less Salt Day
29 National Whisky Sour Day (you’re not seeing double: this holiday is observed twice this month)
30 Frankenstein Day
30 Toasted Marshmallow Day (because Frankenstein and marshmellows go together)

Celebrating National Picnic Month
This work is in the public domain.